Life Lately: November 2016


And just like that November is over. As fast as this year went, I had almost convinced myself that November was just going to drag on forever. I could not be more ready for December: Christmas movies, hot cocoa, and I’m starting to train for a bike trip my family is taking next summer (Dad, sister, cousin, 2 uncles, and my grandpa doing one of those bike-across-michigan rides)…it will be a hilarious hell and I could not be more excited. Reading this month was not my best (or worst) I just got into a weird rut where all I wanted to read were contemporaries but there were none that caught my interest so instead I started some bio of Magellan and should probably just accept the fact I will never finish it. If anyone has any good recs for holiday/christmas/winter themed books then send them my way (I have a few ideas for what I’ll read this month but could always use more options 🙂 So here is the rest of what I did/read/blogged during the longest November on record.

Day-tripping it to see the parade! We had a blast and actually had decent spots on the route in Grant Park (especially for getting there at 9 because we made a donut stop). The million mile (3ish mile) walk back to my friend’s apartment was not a highlight but we took bar stops along the way to watch the rally and drink so that helped. (Yes, that is Kris Bryant looking directly at me).


Visiting my lovely friend from community college to her new(ish) home in Minneapolis.

Shopping all Thanksgiving weekend. My sister and I always go out, we always buy things we don’t need, then we go to breakfast and sleep all day. This year was a little different because the outlet mall by us had weird hours instead of just opening at 2 am or whatever so we mostly did stores around town then went home and slept before television all day.

Watching GILMORE GIRLS! I could not be more excited to have the spent the day eating pie and watching with my family. The revival (while still not as good as the original show) served it’s purpose for me. An opportunity to check in and see how everyone is doing. I don’t want to say anything specific and ruin it for those who are watching on a normal schedule because they presumable have lives, but Emily’s arc was fantastic and my biggest complaint was more Paris less Rory…but that’s nothing new 🙂


Preparing for Christmas. It’s our first christmas in our new apartment so we’ve been buying obnoxious amounts of garland and lights and the final result is that you can turn off all of our lights and just leave the christmas lights and see perfectly.


Top 3 Reviews Posted in November

  1. Today Will Be Different
  2. The First Time She Drowned
  3. Revival



Challenge Update

Goodreads – 71 of 40 books

Classics Club – 5 out of 50 (meh)


So how was everyone else’s November? Any good book recs for December(y) books?

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